domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009



Buenos Aires is certainly a beautiful, wide, contrasting and mysterious city known as the Queen of the River Plate, the Paris of South America.

We will get to know this city through several tours during which we will listen to stories and to tango songs.  We shall dive into tango, its dance, music, places, bars and people, in order to experience tango as a way of life -a feeling which is a perfect blend of passion, nostalgia and sensuality. And after more than one hundred years, an original message about life that is today younger than ever!

Victoria Secret Tango Tours are accompanied by a guide and a singer. They are independent one from another and combine the tour itself with stories, a visual perception and tango so

ngs. Tours can be experienced by two people, a group of not more than six or eventually just by one.

Tour 1. Why do we have tango? 

Length: 3 hours

Program: The mystery of the origin of tango, its African influence and the European immigrants. A travel through time, from the old port of Buenos Aires, passing through La Boca and its colorful tenements, Caminito and Puerto Madero.

Song: “Niebla del Riachuelo”, and others.


Tour 2. Tango created Carlos Gardel.

Length: 3 hours

Program: Why Gardel is today an Argentine Icon, a National Hero. Visit to his “barrio” (neighborhood) and his bars, his passions and his favorite meals.

Song: “Melodía de Arrabal”, and others.

Tour 3. Let’s dance tango. 

Length: 4


Program: This tour is for those who want

 to have

 their first

 experience dancing tango.

The first part of this tour takes place in a very exclusive and unique boutique in order to have contact with the first steps, wardrobe, codes and attitudes.

The second part takes place in an authentic dance floor, a real “milonga” attended by local passionate dancers. (Don’t  worry, your guide also dances tango!)

Song: “Así se baila el tango”, and others.

Tour 4.Bars, drinks meals and tango.

Length: 3 hours

Program: An absolutely relaxed tour. Stop by at bars and “bodegones” (inns) to eat and drink mate,fernet, and local wines. In the meantime, music and stories.

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